TiGRE is a C++ project by ands, which was created primarily for the purpose of learning/testing - that's why I reinvented the wheel for a few features.
State: In development, code available for members only, development paused
Postprocessing: bloom, screen space ambient occlusion (in development), fog, etc…
Deferred lighting
Fast terrain-renderer with:
megatexturing (terrain-atlasses with up to 32768×32768 pixels tested, simple megatexture-generator as an further project)
GPU-based level-of-detail algorithm
grassblades (grassblades fading out with distance, adjustable colormap)
Procedural tree-generator with a few adjustable parameters and a simple Level-Of-Detail algorithm
Fully GPU-based Particleengine, which could easily handle a million particles per frame
Simple fountain-effect
GUI-renderer (dialogues, controls, events, filebased themedescriptions, console with tab-completion and history)